Ornamentational Macro
2008-09-20 19:27
(AI艺术分:5.79786 AI画质分:5.27554)
泡菜 | 图数 38 | 精品图数 4 | 评图数 189 | 注册 2008-08-27 08:34
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Temron28-75, with which carrying I shot around in summer palace this autumn. aside from a path which stretch to the centren of the lake, where chrysanthemum blooming, I found these two lovely little things. They were enjoying the delicious nectar and ignored my appearance. The T28-78 lens, although which is Macro shoot available, serves "just so so" while compare to the professional Macro shoot camera lens, of course. I try to control the focus and the field depth and shot the photoes. I cut these two pictures out and ornament them with frames,so i name them-ornamentational Macro.Your criticism will be very welcome my friends.
these two photoes dedicate to my dear pingping.
2008-09-22 09:18
pamela 图数: 0 精品图数: 0 评图数: 12 注册: 2008年9月